Oncology Information Capture System

iNOTZ has a host of features that have been designed in close collaboration with Oncologists, Physicians, Nurses, Clinical Directors and commissioners. The iNOTZ suite is constantly evolving & still led from input from our customers. Here’s an overview of some of the features:
iNOTZ is a comprehensive system for medical clinical documentation and notes.
Applications include oncology, primary care and pathology
Enables clinics and hospitals to become paperless
Menu-driven, optimized for the Apple iPadOS 15 platform and the only fully digital system
Eliminates burden of conventional annotation
Physician designed and orientated it acts as a check list for the consultant
Compliant with all AMA recommendations (Stack, AMA Wire, 16-Sep-2014) namely
Enhances physician's ability to provide high-quality patient care
Supports team-based care
Promotes care co-ordination
Includes modularity and configurability
Reduces the cognitive workload
Promotes data exchange
Facilitates patient engagement
Post-implementation feedback
Secure data input is possible by multiple users including the patient pre-clinic
Includes a digital-based patient questionnaire (past and family histories)
Navigation is semi-automatic (based on clinical best practice)
Automatic staging and coding
Intuitive and very easy to learn as it replicates the consultants clinical process
Communicates with other software systems (such as MOSAIQ® from Elekta®) via HL7 compliant interfaces to import results and/or data from other systems, departments or laboratories
Cancer trials compatible (ALL required data are collected all the time)
HIPPA compliant