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OnICS Info Track and Trace

Why is Track and Trace required?

Coronavirus will remain amongst the population for some time. As the vaccination programme continues throughout the UK, local devolved governments are starting to reduce lockdown restrictions, general rules around social distancing and hand-washing will remain important in reducing the risk of transmission. Test, Trace, Protect strategy, as per UK Government guidelines, are key for controlling the spread of new outbreaks. It is now law in the United Kingdom for Bars and restaurants and other hospitality establishments to track who visits their premises for Track and Trace purposes.


Businesses can help to identify people who may have been exposed to the virus and are asymptomatic (i.e. are not yet displaying symptoms) through maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors, and sharing these with the various devolved governments of Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Public Health England for Test, Trace, Protect services when requested. Containing outbreaks is crucial to reducing the spread of COVID-19, protecting the NHS and saving lives. This will support the UK in returning to and maintaining, a more normal way of life.

Why use OnICS Info Track and Trace versus existing inhouse options?

In addition to providing an online, secure, Track and Trace system for your customers and employees, OnICS  can provide the signage required to be displayed which outlines the purposes of why participating in Track and Trace is important.


Although you may have existing systems or paper-based methods to log visits by customers, due to ever changing GDPR requirements, we manage the data on your behalf, ensuring within the scope of the product, that your establishment is compliant, augmenting your existing processes. 

Advantages of OnICS Info Track and Trace

A secure, online process which customers perform themselves accessed by a web link or simply by scanning a QR code on a mobile device.

Customer/visitor data stored securely and confidentially between only the business and OnICS and not shared unless requested for Track and Trace purposes.

Saves time for staff members and potentially difficult customer interactions about their sensitive data.

Empowers the customer to be responsible and to be truthful and accept a symptoms disclaimer as part of the Track and Trace requirements.

Daily digest automatically collated of customer visits if needed for Track and Trace purposes.

Less interaction with customers and staff members eg: no sharing of pens.

Optional ability to add customers details to a mailing list with their consent – this will require an enhanced privacy policy beyond what may be in place already between the establishment and the customer/visitor.

Disadvantages of existing in-house or paper-based solutions:

May not be fully GDPR compliant – other customers see other customers details if a paper notebook or form is displayed upon entry and asked to be completed.

Paper forms can be lost or stolen with no audit trail.

•Increases admin of existing staff members to perform extra duties related to Track and Trace and the associated human error which can occur when collating such information.

What is included as part of the service offered by OnICS?

Unique Quick Response (QR) bar code for your establishment which enables customers to access your version of Track and Trace with a simple form to be completed using their own device such as their mobile phone.

Poster and materials customized to the establishment branding* for explanation of Track and Trace reasons and further information including the QR code.

Informative Weekly newsletter updates as to any changes in government guidance within the scope of the service offered.

Data stored securely according to GDPR requirements within Europe.

Online dashboard access to customer/guest information with filtering options in terms of date of visit and associated details to comply with government requirements.

From £25 per month per establishment with 3-month minimum commitment which includes 9am to 5pm technical support by phone or email. Rolling monthly commitment. Annual and multi-premises discounts available - please contact us for further details.

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